Rules on election of members of AMS BiH


On the basis of the Statute of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter AMSBiH), its members can become a prominent doctor, scientific worker, as well as other scientists, whose activities contribute to the development of medicine in our country.


Member of AMSBiH can became a scientist, which is selected by the Election Assembly of AMSBiH after conducted election procedures in the Boards of the Academy, and on the proposal of the Admission Board of AMSBiH.


Members of the Academy can be: regular members, associates and honorary members.


Criteria for selection in certain categories of membership:

a) For regular members may be elected a scientist, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which meets the following criteria:

  • that is the doctor of medical science;
  • that it is the university teacher (one of the biomedical faculty) and at least in the profession of associate professor;
  • to achieve a long-term effect on the immediate area of the medical discipline, which is of importance for the national pathology in BiH, or his work in the field of public health, basic science and clinical medicine has achieved results that  are  of importance for the improvement of public health,  basic  and clinical medical  disciplines,  medical education and scientific research in general medicine or related sciences;
  • to actively participate in national or international scientific and professional conferences and meetings, and published as the author at least 10 papers in indexed medical journals, quoted in the secondary index publications: Current Contents, Medline, EMBASE, etc., and that these works are of value for the development of medical science;
  • that its complete engagement is remarkable in the scientific and technical education field of scientific and technical health/medical professionals;
  • that their overall effect is recognized in our country and the world.

Associate member of AMSBiH may be elected from medical scientists, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which meets the following criteria:

  • that their previous actions demonstrated proven activity for scientific work;
  • that they have at least 10 published papers as an author, as stated in Article 4, in its field of scope;
  • to be an active speaker at scientific conferences in the country and abroad;
  • to have defended a doctorate of medical science or medical related sciences.

As an honorary member can be elected a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, outside the membership of AMSBiH or a foreign citizen who has significantly helped in advancement of medical science in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


At least 90 days prior to the regular Election Assembly of the Academy, the main board invites applications for the selection of new members of the Academy. Notwithstanding this deadline will be procedure of choice of new members AMSBiH every two months of one new member of AMSBiH to fill the number of members which is sufficient to perform legal registration of the AMSBiH with the competent court. Care about this will be done by Main Board of AMSBiH on the proposal by the Admission Boards of new members of AMSBiH. Each new member of AMSBiH is obliged to hold an initial lecture to other members of the AMSBiH in deadlines set by the Main Board of AMSBiH.


Proposal for selection of candidates for members of the Academy may be submit to the Main Board of the Academy by:

  • scientific institutions in the field of medicine and related fields of biomedicine;
  • professional societies or associations that are registered as professional associations of certain medical disciplines in Bosnia and Herzegovina or other medical and scientific societies, operating in or outside of BiH and have adequate scientific reputation;
  • Senate and Boards of AMSBiH;
  • Individual members of AMSBiH, with the written support of at least five regular members.

Within the deadline prescribed for the selection of the new members of the Academy, and at least 30 days before the Election Assembly of the Academy, the proponents must submit to the Main Board of the Academy for each candidate the following documents:

  • biography;
  • evidence of election at position of associate professor, professor, professor emeritus or member of the some other Academy of Sciences;
  • list of published papers and 10 major scientific articles;
  • proof of the defended PhD (doctoral) thesis;
  • explanation from which can be seen that the candidate meets requirements.

Board of the Academy appoints its own boards, which shall elect two reviewers for each candidate for membership in their Board.

The reviewers  submit  written  opinions  on the candidates  no later than 30 days.  In case  of different  opinions appointed  is  the third reviewer.  Boards  based on review  propose  candidates  to be nominated  for members in the Academy.


On the basis of written documents from Article 10 of this Regulations and the board proposal, Boards propose to the Main Board nominated candidates, which will be on the Electoral Assembly Academy suggested for election to membership in the Academy, and the promotion in higher level of membership in the Academy, depending on the number of positions available in Boards.


Election of new members is done on a regular Assembly of the Academy by secret ballot.

Besides this it is possible to choose new members of AMSBiH in the procedure specified and under the reasons from the Article 7 of this Statute.


Main Board of the Academy shall notify candidates in writing of the results within 15 days after the elections.


Main Board decides on the number of honorary members that will be elected in the year of Election Assembly. Based on the proposals of the Board and the Senate, The Board elects new honorary members, and of his decision informs the Election Assembly.


This Regulations becomes active at day of adoption by the Assembly of AMSBiH.
President of AMSBiH.
Prof Izet Masic, MD, PhD

ABOUT USMEMBERSCONTACTJOURNALSNEWSAcademy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mis Iribina 11, 71000 Sarajevo 
Bosnia and Herzegovina