Rules on election of AMS BiH bodies


Based on Article  9 of Academy of Medical Sciences  of Bosnia and Herzegovina  Statute  (AMSBiH),  members of AMSBiH recommend new members for managing bodies of the Academy.


Main Board of AMSBiH before end of its mandate opens elections for new members of the management bodies of AMSBiH and determines deadlines for election phases.


Each board of AMSBiH, during 15 days after start of elections, suggest to the Main Board one candidate for Academy President,  and 15-20 candidates  for members of the management  bodies  of the AMSBiH.  Suggested candidates  for AMSBiH President should submit the plan of AMSBiH work in next four years. Also the names of the candidates for the first Vice president, General secretary and Financial secretary.

Main Board AMSBiH will the proposed candidates for members of management bodies in alphabetical order introduce into the list of candidates, provided that the number of such candidates is up to 50. If suggested is smaller number of candidates, the Main Board will fill the list up to 50 candidates members of management bodies of AMSBiH.

Voted is for 25 members, and 25 elected are ones who obtain the largest number of votes.

Newly elected President shall organize a meeting of elected members of management bodies of AMSBiH. At that session the mutual distribution will be performed as follows: fifteen members of the Main Board, five members of the Court of Honor, five members of the Committee on Statute and three members of the Supervisory Board.


Main Board will all received proposals within fifteen days submit all members of AMSBiH. Proposals of candidates should be presented so that it can serve the voting ballot for those members of AMSBiH, who cannot personally attend the Election Assembly of AMSBiH. For the proposed candidates  for President,  Vice  President,  General  Secretary  and  Financial  Secretary  voting is  on collective basis.


Members of AMSBiH, which for justifiable reasons cannot attend the Election Assembly will mark the names of those candidates for whom they wish to vote and submit them to President of the Main Board of AMSBiH in closed envelope before the Election Assembly. Votes can be given only to one presidential list, or individually for 25 candidates from the list of members of administrative bodies. This list should be submitted to the Main Board within 15 days. At the same time to the Main Committee should be submitted the comments on the work program for candidates for the President.


Main Board after receiving responses organize Assembly in which the Election shall be by secret vote to choose new members of management bodies. The consideration will be given to voting completed by mail. The President and all members of the management bodies should get at least majority vote of members present at the Academy. Election Assembly may be organized only if it attended by the majority of registered members of AMSBiH.


When electing between three or more candidates for the President and if no one gets majority of votes, voting is repeated with the two candidates who received highest number of votes. Chosen is the one who gets the most votes.


Presidents of the boards, the President of the Senate and former president of AMSBBiH become “ex officio” members of the Main Board.

The Main Board has the right to engage if needed additional four members into the Main Board.


Elected president of AMSBiH is also the president of the Main Board of AMSBiH.

General Secretary, Financial Secretary, the Presidents of the boards and the Senate, are required to submit at every annual Assembly of AMSBiH a written report on the work in the past year.


This Regulations becomes active at day of adoption by the Assembly of AMSBiH.
President of AMSBiH,
Prof Izet Masic, MD, PhD

ABOUT USMEMBERSCONTACTJOURNALSNEWSAcademy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mis Iribina 11, 71000 Sarajevo 
Bosnia and Herzegovina