Reiner Zeljko

Reiner Zeljko

Professor Zeljko Reiner, MD, PhD, MD, PhD, was born in Zagreb 1953, where he finished primary school, classic gymnasium and in 1976 graduated at the Medical Faculty. In 1978 became Master of Science, and 1982 PhD in Zagreb. Residency completed between 1979 and 1983 in internal medicine at the Clinical hospital KB “Sestre milosrdnice”, Zagreb and University hospital Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany. Postgraduate education attended in Oklahoma City, USA 1984-1985. Elected to Dozent (Associate professor) in 1986 and for professor of Medical Faculty in Zagreb elected for the first time in 1988. From 1997 he is professor of internal medicine at the Medical Faculty in Zagreb as permanent position. Awarded with title „Fellow of the Royal Society of Physicians” – FRCP (London) and „Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology”–FESC. From 1986 until 1995 he was a head of the Clinical Department of the Clinic for pathophysiology of the Clinical Center in Zagreb; from 1995 until 2003 he was a chief of Clinic of Internal diseases of the Clinical Center in Zagreb. In period from 2003 acted as head of Institute for metabolic diseases and from 2004 Director of the Clinical Center in Zagreb. Member of the Academy of medical sciences of Croatia from 1990, and its President since 2004. From 1992 to 2006 he was an associate-member of the Croatian Academy of science and art (HAZU), and since 2006 full time member–academician. He is a leader of the Board for atherosclerosis of the HAZU. In period 2000 – 2006 he was a head of the Department for internal medicine of the Medical Faculty in Zagreb. In 2007 elected to honorary citizen of city of Korcula. Published 395 scientific and professional articles. As a visiting professor worked at the several universities in USA and Europe, invited lecturer at the series of European and World congresses, and member of the scientific board of almost all European and World congresses with topic on atherosclerosis during last 25 years and European and World Cardiology congresses, and in Croatia he organized and was president of several congresses. From 1983 until now he was a leader of several scientific-research projects. Member of editorials of several most respectful international journals („Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis”, “Atherosclerosis”,”Europ J Cardiovasc Prevent Rehabil” etc.) and domestic ones (“Lijecnički vjesnik” etc.), also is a reviewer of the most respectful international journals („Lancet”, „J Cellular Biochem”, „J Am Coll Nutr”,”Fundam Clin Pharmacol”, „Ann Nutr Metab” etc.). Was a member of the Managing Board of the European Society on Atherosclerosis, member of the Managing Board of the European association for prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases and its Program Committee for science and guidelines, member of the European Committee for for prevention of cardiovascular disease and Program Committee of the European cardiology Association and Committee for guidelines of the European Cardiology Association, founder and president of the Croatian Association of atherosclerosis, founder of the Croatian Association of hypertension, founder and vice president of the Croatian Association for obesity etc., and was a general secretary of the Croatian Association of physicians. Now is a member of the Main Board of the Croatian Association of physicians. Awarded with prize “Ladislav Rakovac“ of the Croatian Association of physicians and awarded with several highest medals of state. He was a President of the Commission for medication of the Republic of Croatia in period 1992-2000 (member of the Commission in period 2004-2008), and president of the Commission for the honorary title of primarius (chief physician) (1998-2000). He was a President of the European committee for fight against smo0king (2000-2002). Since 2005 he is a member of the working group for development of the European guidelines for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, and since 2009 as president of the working group for development of the European guidelines for diagnostics and treatment of dislipidemy. From 1995 until 1998 he was a member of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) – the highest managing body of this organization. He was a member of the three person’s international committee for awarding one of the most significant prizes in medicine “Leon Bernard Prize”. For the European Commission he was a reviewer of the health projects within FP 6 and FP 7 suggested financed by the European Union. Author of series of chapters in more than twenty books and textbooks published internationally and in Croatia, he was also a leader off several courses in undergraduate and 7 postgraduate studies. Editor of 17 books and manuals (“Pharmacotherapy manual”, „Internal medicine” etc.). In period from 1993 until 1998 he was a deputy of Minister of Health and from 1998 until 2000 Minister of Health of Republic of Croatia. From 2007 he is a president of the National Health Council, and since 2008 member of the Board for health and social welfare of the Republic of Croatia Parliament.

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