Sinanovic Osman

Sinanovic Osman

Professor Osman Sinanovic, MD, PhD was born in Dubostica/Lukavac on 27.2.1952, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is neuropsychiarist with rich professional experience in neurology, psychiatry and mental health, and brod spectrum of national and international activities with remarkable achievements and contribution to the development of neurology and psychiatry in Tuzla, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. His clinical and research interests are Clinical aspects of neuromuscular diseases, Electromyography and clinical neurophysiology of neuromuscular and related disorders, Non-motor symptoms of neurological disorders. He is founder of electormyography lab in Department of Neurology in Tuzla University Clinical Center, and actualy pionir of this field in Bosnia and Herzegovina, educating meny lectromioneurograppers in the country. He has been Head of Department of Psychiatry, University Clinical Center Tuzla from 1993 to 2001; Head of Department of Neurology, University Clinical Center Tuzla from 2001 to 2003, 2013 to 2017; Deputy Director for Science, Research and Education, University Clinical Center Tuzla from 2003 to 2007; Head of Division for Clinical Neurophysiology and Neuromuscular Disorders at Department of Neurology in Tuzla from 1987 to 2003 and from 2003 to 2007 to 2013; Head of Postgraduate Course for Master Degree, Medical School, University of Tuzla, 1994-2001, 2004-2008; Head of PhD Study of Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation University of Tuzla from 2013. He was visiting professor on Faculty of Medicine, University of Ulm (1993). Osman Sinanovic has been elected as full professor of neuropsychiatry and medical psychology at the Medical Faculty of University of Tuzla in 2002. For years he lecture psychiatry, medical psychology, neurology, neuropsychology, research methodology and scientific writing in different faculties of Tuzla University. Education: He graduated at the Faculty of Medicine od Belgrade University in 1978; at the University of Tuzla he obtained MrSc (1983) and PhD at the University of Zagreb (1989). Specialist examination of neuropsychiatry passed in 1984 in the Medical Faculty University of Belgrade. He completed education in several cities of ex Yugoslavia, in shorter and longer terms (Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana), as well as abroad (Germany, USA, Japan).Present position: Professor emeritus of neuropsychiatry (neurology and psychiatry) at School of Medicine University of Tuzla, Sarajevo Medical School University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Visiting professor at University of Osijek and Vukovar (Croatia). Professor Sinanovic is full member and vice president of Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, member of Research Group for Neurology and Psychiatry of Academy of Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Honorary member of Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences; Member of Board of Directors of Multiple Sclerosis Academy (Inter University Center Dubrovnik); Member of Board of Trusties of the International Pula Neuropsychiatric Congresses; Member of Editorail Board of Acta Myologica (Official journal of Mediterranean Society of Myology and Associazione Italiana di Miologia); Honorry member of Gaetano Conte Academy (for striated muscle diseases), Naples, Italy; Vice-President of Association of Neurologists in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Member of Board International Danube Neurology Association of Central and East Europe; Member of Research Group on Organization and Delivery of Neurological Services); Audit of ORPHEUS (Organisation for PhD education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System); Member of Editorial Board of Medical Archives; Member of Editorial Board of Current Topics in Neurology, Psychiatry and Related Disorders (Official Journal of Society of Neurologists of Republic of Serbia); Member of Editorial Board of Neurologia Croatica (Official journal of Society of Neurologists of Republic of Croatia); Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Pediatric Neurology. Publication: As author and co-author prof Osman Sinanović published several hundreds different publications, most of them in per reviewed indexed medical journals. His papers have cited more than 1280 times in Google Scholar bases; a large number of invited lectures at domestic and international meetings; He i author or co-author of 47 books and monographs; MSC thesis supervisor of 35 and PhD thesis supervisor of 17 candidates; Awards: Golden Charter of Peace – to Psychiatric clinic Tuzla – for extraordinary contribution to the establishment of peace, trust and tolerance, the preconditions for multiethnic Bosnia and Herzegovina – at the World Congress of Humanists Unity, the Permanent Committee International League of Humanists (1998); Gaetano Conte Prize – for Social Research and Promotion of Clinical and Basic Research in the Field of Myology (Gaetano Conte Academy, Napoli, Italy) (1999); Humanitarian Award – in Grateful Appreciation for Outstanding Service and Humanitarian Eforts on Behalfe of Traumatized Children (The International Center for Psychosocial Trauma University of Missouri – Columbia, USA) (1999); Charter of Psychiatry clinic University Clinical Center Tuzla for contribution to development (2004); Charter of University Clinical Center Tuzla for contribution to development (2004); Gold Plaque of municipality Tuzla for participation in mission of assistance to the victims of earthquake in Kašmir/Pakistan (2005); Gold Plaque of municipality Lukavac for extraordinarily achievements in the field of medicine (2007); The sacrifice medal of President of Pakistan (P. Musharaf) (2007); Award for best year scientific publication (2012); Winner of the 1st Medis Challenge in the field of Neurology, (Medis, Ljubljana) (2014); Charter of the University of Tuzla for contribution to development (2016); Charter of Medical Faculty for contribution to development (2016).

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