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What is happen recently and activities by Academy
 Academician Professor Emeritus Izet Mašić, for whom medicine is destiny and writing is the greatest passion

Medicine is the adventure of academician  Mašić, his actually way of life, which is impressive and spectacular at the same time. Intellectual curiosity of academician Mašić is a great and fascinating. Academician Mašić is a renaissance type of the scientist and creator whose features are encyclopedic erudition and great spiritual curiosity. With stylistically recognizable expression, […]

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On Occasion of the Days of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg, July 2nd, 2022

Read Full Text PDF In Salzburg, Austria, during June 28th to July 2nd, 2022 was held celebration of the 30th anniversary of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA) and General Academy of EASA (Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea). On this occasion were organized a few workshops with special topics of the different themes […]

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Historical Background of Medical Informatics Development

In Nice, France 0n May 28th, 2022, during 32nd MIE 2022 Conference was promoted the book “Historical Background of Medical Informatics Development”, edited by EFMI Honorary Fellow, Academician Professor Emeritus Izet Masic. MD, PhD. Promoter of the book was Catherine Chronaki, current President of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) (Figures 1 and 2). […]

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Dani AMNuBiH 2021

U subotu 4. decembra 2021. godine u hotelu Holiday u Sarajevu održan je naučni Simpozij o temi “Scijentometrija, Citiranje, Plagijati i Predatorstvo u Naučnom Publiciranju / Scintometrics, Citation, Plagiarism and Predatory in Scientific Publishing”.  Predavači su bili iz Bosne i Hercegovine, Hrvatske, Srbije, Sjeverne Makedonije, Poljske i Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Simpozij je organiziran povodom godišnjeg […]

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DANI AMNuBiH 2021 i SWEP 2021

Ovogodisnji skup “Dani AMNuBiH” bit ce odrzan 4. decembra u sali UNA hotela Holidej u Sarajevu o temi “SCIENTOMETRIJA”. Radove ce prezentirati akadamici: Asim Kurjak, Izet Masic, Osman Sinanovic, Benjamin Djulbegovic, Muharem Zildzic, Kenan Arnautovic, Doncho Donev, Slobodan Jankovic. Ovogodisnji naucni skup zajednicki organiziraju Akademija medicinskih nauka Bosne i Hercegovine i Medjunarodna Akademija nauka i […]

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On Occasion of the 11th “Days of AMNuBiH 2020” and “SWEP 2020” Conferences, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, at Holiday hotel on November 14th, 2020 was organized 11th annual scientific meeting of the Academy of Health Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Days of AMNuBiH 2020” and 3rd Seminar about Writing, Editing and Publishing  – “SWEP 2020”. Topics of the conferences were: Bosnia and Herzegovina experiences related to the […]

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U Sarajevu održana proslava 10. godišnjice Akademije medicinskih nauka BiH

U dane vikenda, 26. i 27. oktobra 2019. godine u hotelu Holiday u Sarajevu održana je Proslava desetogodišnjice od osnivanja Akademije medicinskih nauka Bosne i Hercegovine (AMNuBiH). Ovogodišnji primljeni akademici: prof. Enisa Mešić, prof. Šefik Hasukić, prof. Senaid Trnačević, prof. Mirza Biščević, prof. Dončo Donev i prof. Slobodan Janković održali su svoja inauguralna predavanja. Pozivni […]

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Days of AMNUBiH 2019

Academy of Medical sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina this year celebrates 10th years anniversary. Ceremony of celebration will be held in Hotel Holiday in Sarajevo on 26th and 27th October of the 2019. Invited lecturers are academicians Asim Kurjak and Zeljko Reiner from Zagreb (Croatia) and professor Slobodan Jankovic from Kragujevac (Serbia). During “Days of […]

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Imenovani novi clanovi AMNuBiH

Uvazene kolegice i kolege Akademici, Danas je zadnji dan zadatog roka za elektronsko glasanje o prijedlogu prijema 5 novih clanova akademika AMNuBiH, po osnovu konkursa koji je bio raspisan u mjesecu martu i aprilu, a o cemu se ocitovao i Nominacioni Odbor i predlozio listu kandidata za prijem, a to su: Profesori: Enisa Mesic, Senaid […]

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Prijedlog za izbor novih clanova Akademije medicinskih nauka Bosne i Hercegovine (AMNuBiH)

Uvazene kolegice i kolege, gospodo Akademici, Nominacioni odbor za pripremu prijedloga za izbor novih clanova Akademije medicinskih nauka Bosne i Hercegovine (AMNuBiH) u sastavu: akademik Vjekoslav Gerc (predsjednik), akademik Halima Resic (clan), akademik Osman Sinanovic (clan) je pregledao prispjele prijedloge (nominacije) za izbor u nove clanove Akademije, te svih pet kanidata koji su predlozeni, i […]

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Konkurs za prijem novih članova AMNuBiH

Odbor AMNuBiH je donio odluku o raspisivanju konkursa za prijem novih clanova AMNuBiH Potencijalni kandidati se mogu elektronski prijaviti zakljucno do 24,00 sati 15. marta 2019. godine, ukoliko ispunjavaju uvjete iz clana 10 Statuta, i to: a) da je kandidat doktor jedne od biomedicinskih nauka/znanosti; b) da je kandidat istaknuti naucnik s priznatim rezultatima u […]

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Rezultati glasanja za članove Odbora AMNuBiH

Uvazeni Akademici, Dostavljam vam PDFs glasackih listica pristiglih tokom elektronskog glasanja za clanove Odbora AMNuBiH za period 2019-2022. Od ukupnog broja clanova AMNuBiH s pravom glasanja (24) glasalo je 17. Nisu glasali: Enver Zerem, Zlata Kundurovic, Mehmed Gribajcevic, Marko Buksa, Zoran Hadziahmetovic, Jacob Bergsland, Benjamin Djulbegovic. Izet Masic je dobio 16 glasova za funkciju Predsjednika. […]

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The Second Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing (SEP – 2018), Sarajevo, December 8th, 2018.

On December 8th of the year 2018 in Sarajevo held meeting “Days of AMNu BiH”–Days of Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and The Second Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing (SWEP–2018). Venue of the both meetings were at hotel Holiday in Sarajevo. READ MORE>

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Izbor članova Odbora AMNuBiH 2019.-2022.

Tokom održavanja skupa “Dani AMNuBiH 2018” i “SWEP 2018” dana 8. decembra dogovorili smo da izbor članova Odbora AMNuBiH za period 2019-2022. godina obavimo elektronskim putem. Glasački listić se nalazi na linku ispod. LINK ZA GLASANJE

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Poziv – SWEP 2018

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, U decembru 2016. godine održan je naučni skup o temi “First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing” (SWEP 2016), organiziran u sklopu proslave “Dani AMNuBiH 2016”, a pod pokroviteljstvom Akademije medicinskih nauka Bosne i Hercegovine. Na ovom naučnom skupu učestvovalo je s prigodnim referatima ukupno 15 urednika biomedicnskih časopisa […]

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SWEP 2016

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 2nd to 3rd December 2016, was host of one of the most exciting meetings in Mediterranean area, The First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing & Publishing (SWEP 2016). It was organized by Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, running concurrent sessions as part of its Annual Meeting […]

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Days of Academy of Medical Sciences of B&H 2016 and The First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing (SWEP 2016)

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 2nd to 3rd December 2016, was host of one of the most exciting meetings in Mediterranean area – The First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing & Publishing (SWEP 2016). It was organized by Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, running concurrent sessions as part of its Annual […]

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The First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing and Publishing, Sarajevo, December 2-3, 2016

[metaslider id=247] The First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing & Publishing (SWEP 2016) was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina from 2nd to 3rd December 2016. It was organized by Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, running concurrent sessions as part of its Annual Meeting titled “Days of AMNuBiH – Theory and […]

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The First Mediterranean Seminar on Science Writing, Editing & Publishing

December, 2-3, 2016, Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina The Seminar is credited with 24 academic hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in Research Methodology and Science Communication. Topics: Scientific Authorship, Conflict of Interest, Plagiarism Detection, Impact Indicators, How to choose best target journals, Scientific Publishing as a tool for preclinical and clinical fields developing. Keynote speakers: […]

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Članovi Glavnog odbora AMNuBiH

Dana 17.12.2013. uži odbor Akademije – Mirko Grujić (podpredsjednik AMNuBiH), Vjekoslav Gerc (predsjednik Izborne komisije za izbor novih članova), Marko Buksa (predsjednik Etičkog komiteta) i Izet Mašić (predsjednik AMNuBiH) održao sastanak u prostorijama Akademije (Sarajevo, Mis Irbina 11, Tel./fax.: +387 33 226 866) i pregledao pristigle prijedloge kandidata za Glavni odbor AMNuBiH za period od […]

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AMNuBiH Days and EASE Conference 2013

Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AMNuBiH) organized on June 21, 2013 in Sarajevo, its 6th Annual Scientific Meeting, which is dedicated to the importance of publishing papers in biomedicine for the development of this area. Name of the scientific meeting was „Publishing Integrity and Misconduct in Biomedicine”. Presenters were the eminent scientific […]

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4th Days of AMNuBiH

In Sarajevo on 22 May 2012 was organized the scientific event “Days of Academy of Medical sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AMNuBiH) 2012”. Keynote lecture was held by renowned academician Asim Kurjak on the theme: “Scientific, ethical, legal and religious controversies about the beginning of human life”.After this access lectures was held by professors: Snjezana […]

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AMSB&H anniversary

On Wednesday the 28th of December 2011 the Academy of Medical sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AMNuBiH) celebrated the 2.nd Anniversary of the establishment. Celebration was organized in hotel “Holiday Inn” in Sarajevo and on that occasion academicians Jacob Bergsland from Oslo and Halima Resic from Sarajevo presented their lectures. Jacob Bergsland presented his lecture […]

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Days of AMSB&H

In Sarajevo on 24 June 2011, in the salon “UNA” of Holiday Inn hotel was held a Solemn Session of AMSB&H, where, in addition to members of the academic, was present about 100 distinguished guests. On this solemn scientific event, in accordance with the earlier decision taken at the session of the General Board of […]

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Report from the General board of AMSBiH

At the meeting of the AMSB&H Central Committee held on 13 June 2011 in Sarajevo are made following decisions:a) In accordance with the AMSB&H Statute by specific Decision that was made at a meeting of 13 June2011 the name used is the Academy of Medical Sciences within the existing registration of the Association, until the […]

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Meeting of the Management Board

Respected colleagues academicians,I am grateful to fellow academics, members of the AMNuBiH Board who attended today meeting of the Management Board and constructively participated in the proposal of AMNuBiH activities in the future. Colleagues who are justified or otherwise absent, we want to inform that: We informed the attendees about the previous activities of the […]

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Open applications for admission of new AMNuBiH members

On February 15, 2011 open are applications for admission of new members of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina – AMNuBiH. In accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of the Statute for academics at AMNuBiH can be elected the candidates who meet the following criteria’s. Which are associate, full or emeritus professors […]

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AMSBiH Ceremony

The ceremony in celebration of the establishment of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina took place at the Rectorate of University of Sarajevo on Monday, 28th December 2009 at 13:30. Small photo gallery is available on following link and part of the press clipping can be downloaded here.On this ocassion, academician Asim […]

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Medical Archives, Journal of AMSBiH

The journal Medical Archives is now the official journal of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contents of the latest issue (and previous issues of volume 63) can be found under Publications. On this ocassion, President of AMSBiH, prof. Izet Masic, has prepared a special report published in Medical Archives (Vol […]

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Academy of Medical Sciences in BiH is Founded

Minutes from the founding meeting of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, held on October 20th 2009 at the Department of Family Medicine, of the Medical Faculty, University of Sarajevo.Meeting attended by: professor Izet Masic MD.PhD, professor Mirko Grujic MD.PhD, professor Osman Sinanovic MD.PhD, professor Zoran Hadzahmetovic MD.PhD, professor Vjekoslav Gerc MD.PhD, […]

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Mis Iribina 11, 71000 Sarajevo 
Bosnia and Herzegovina