Academy of Medical Sciences in BiH is Founded

Minutes from the founding meeting of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina, held on October 20th 2009 at the Department of Family Medicine, of the Medical Faculty, University of Sarajevo.Meeting attended by: professor Izet Masic MD.PhD, professor Mirko Grujic MD.PhD, professor Osman Sinanovic MD.PhD, professor Zoran Hadzahmetovic MD.PhD, professor Vjekoslav Gerc MD.PhD, professor Marko Buksa MD.PhD, professor Abdulah Kucukalic MD.PhD and professor Sukrija Zvizdic MD.PhD. Agreement with suggested agenda and made decisions are given by phone from professor Mehmed Gribajcevic MD.PhD, professor Jasenko Karamehic MD.PhD, professor Izet Hozo MD.PhD and professor Muharem Zildzic MD.PhD. Written agreement is sent by professor Asim Kurjak MD.PhD and professor Jacob Bergsland MD.PhD. Meeting started at 13.00 hours. Suggested and accepted is the following:


1. Discussion on and adoption of the AMS B&H Statute.

2. Discussion on and adoption of the Regulations for election of AMS B&H bodies

3. Discussion on and adoption of the Regulations for election of AMS B&H members

4. Various topics.

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President of the Initiative Board for the establishment of AMS B&H, professor Izet Masic MD.PhD (other members were: Professor Z. HadzahmetovicMD.PhD and professor S . Zvizdic MD.PhD) presented agenda to the participants, which was unanimously adopted. Then, given is a detailed explanation of the reasons for establishment of AMS B&H and reported present at the session on all the activities that occurred in the previous period, related to the realization of the idea of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina. To implement this idea the Initiative Board reviewed all the prerequisite and opportunities in neighboring countries and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thanks to generous support of former and current director of Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences, Academicians Asim Kurjak and Zeljko Rajner, who agreed to be our registrars of AMS B&H. Then opened debate on the contents of three founding acts: AMS B&H Statute, the Regulations of the choice of working bodies and the Regulations of selecting new members of the AMS B&H.

Given that the application for membership in the AMS B&H (regular members, associate members and associates) are signed by 15 prominent B&H scientists mostly regular and associate professors of the University of Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar, Zenica, and that the Statute clearly defined criteria’s for selection of new members, unanimously is supported the proposal to adopt the three founding act.

Then on a written proposal by the professors: Jasenko Karamehic and Izet Hozo given in the discussion proposal for election of AMS B&H President, professor Izet Mašić MD.PhD, which was unanimously adopted. Newly elected President, professor Izet Masic MD.PhD, suggested the election of other members of the Main Board of AMS B&H, as follows: Vice Presidents: professor Mirko Grujic MD.PhD and professor Osman Sinanovic MD.PhD, as the Secretary General suggested is the professor Zoran Hadziahmetovic MD.PhD, Chairman of the Supervisory Board professor Vjekoslav Gerc MD.PhD, and President of the Court of Honor professor Marko Bukša MD.PhD. Other signers of applications to AMS B&H became members of the AMS B&H Main Board. Professor Asim Kurjak MD.PhD and professor Jacob Bergsland MD.PhD become associate members of the AMS B&H.

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Professor Izet Mašić suggested that the Ceremonial Academy of AMS B&H should be organized in period between 27 and 29 December 2009 in Sarajevo, during which the registrars of AMS B&H professors Asim Kurjak and Željko Rajner with held appropriate lectures, and the Academy will host a number of other events, about which the Main Board, until then, will discuss their special sessions. AMS B&H President has taken the obligation to hire lawyers or other experts, who would in due time make a formal registration of the Academy with the competent court. Given that the current legislation in Federation of B&H stipulates that the registration AMS B&H consent must be given by responsible ministries of science, education and health, it was decided to immediately take the necessary actions to register AMS B&H by the end of this year.

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The unanimous decision is made to strictly respect the terms of the election of new members according to criteria which are listed in the Statute and Regulations of the AMS B&H for selection of new members with a certain pace, which is every two months, to make the election of a new member, but each new member must be suggested by any of the current members and have the consent of at least four members of the AMS B&H.

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It is agreed that intensive efforts will be directed to promotion of the following AMS B&H activities:

a) Seek that all scientific research projects in the field of biomedicine go through AMS B&H;

b) That scientific and professional congresses should be organized trough AMS B&H;

c) That medical journals Medicinski Arhiv (Medical Archives) and Acta Informatica Medica become official scientific and professional publications of AMS B&H, and that the current members of the Main Board at the same time be a new Editorial Board of the Medicinski Arhiv with regard that to the current editorial board term expires at the end of the current year. Adopted is a proposal that until ceremonial academy a special issue should be prepared dedicated to founding of AMS B&H and that this issue should contain papers or members or associates of the Main Board, as well as contents of the founding documents so the scientific and professional community is familiar with our activities, and that the past activities are transparent for the future – potential candidates for membership in the AMS B&H;

d) The books and other scientific literature will be published as editions of AMS B&H, provided that all legal norms and rules are obeyed related to publication of the professional and scientific editions;

e) In due time, when the appropriate conditions are created, as provided in the Statute of the AMS B&H, formed will be a special committees for specific biomedical disciplines, which will focus its scientific activities in promotion and protection of scientific and technical content from the domain of that discipline.

Meeting is finished at 15:30 hours.

ABOUT USMEMBERSCONTACTJOURNALSNEWSAcademy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mis Iribina 11, 71000 Sarajevo 
Bosnia and Herzegovina