Zvizdic Sukrija

Zvizdic Sukrija

Professor Sukrija Zvizdic, MD, PhD, was born in 1951 in Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is one of the first doctors to specialize in the field of medical virology, that is, one of the first to obtain a specialization in medical microbiology, a master’s degree and a doctorate in the field of median virology. He completed his elementary education in Kakanj, and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sarajevo in 1975 and earned the title of Doctor of Medicine. From 1980.-1994. worked at the Institute for Microbiology, Parasitology and Immunology, “Dr. Robert Fried” in Sarajevo, 1995.-1997. worked as an assistant at the University of CHUV-Lausanne, Switzerland, and from 1998. to 2016. worked at the Department of Microbiology and Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. He specialized in medical microbiology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb (1986.). He completed his postgraduate study in the field of medical microbiology at the Andrija Štanpar School of Public Health, University of Zagreb, Croatia in the period 1980./1981. He defended his master’s degree in Virology in 1987. at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zagreb and earned a master’s degree in science. He defended his doctoral thesis on the importance of rotavirus in causing infections in children at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo in 1991, and earned a doctorate in medical sciences. He attended a number of seminars, lectures and educations, with the aim of professional and scientific mastery in the field of microbiology and virology in the country and abroad. He conducted a special form of contemporary education at the Institut de microbiologie de la Universitaire de Lausanne (IMUL)-Suisse, as well as at the Institut de génétique et de biologie microbiennes de la Universitaire de Lausanne-Suisse. He has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sarajevo since 1980., and held the position of assistant at the University of Lausanne-Switzerland in 1995/1997. years. As an Assistant Professor, Associate and Full Professor spent at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo in the period 1999./2016. years. He has also lectured as a professor in the field of microbiology at the Faculty of Dentistry and the Higher Health School of the University of Sarajevo, as well as at the faculties of the University of Tuzla and Zenica. In 2016., he retired, and in the same year he was elected to Emeritus University by the University of Sarajevo. During his working career, he served as Head of the Department of Virology at the Institute of Microbiology and Parasitology “Dr. Robert Fried” in Sarajevo, as well as Deputy Head of the same Institute. As the first author and co-author Professor Sukrija Zvizdic has published 138 original articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is the author of five (5) books, in the field of virology, the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to publish a university textbook “General Medical Virology” (2002) for students of medical and allied faculties. In the field of medical virology, as the sole author he published the university textbook “Medical Virology” (2004) as well as the faculty textbook “Virusology” (2009). As a co-author, he published in 2010. the University textbook “Anthropozoonoses/Zooanthroponoses”. For the students of the faculties of pharmacy from the territory of the former state, he first published the University textbook “Medical Microbiology” (2015.), which as such has remained unique to this day. He has also published nine (9) student practicums in microbiology and parasitology, as well as three (3) scripts and one (1) guide and manual in related fields. He participated in the development of six (6) major scientific projects. As a faculty professor, he has participated in postgraduate education of doctors of medicine and dentistry at several faculties, as well as in education and commissions for taking specialist exams at more than 40 physicians specializing in various fields of medicine. He also participated in the work of the Teachers Selection Committees at several Universities, as well as a member of the Nursing Commission of Masters of Medical Sciences, a member of the working group at the Food Safety Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in drafting the rules on the conditions that must be held by authorized laboratories. He was a member of the Committee for Education, Health Informatics and Continuous Improvement of the Medical Chamber of Sarajevo Canton, a member of the Commission for the preparation of syllabus of teaching subjects, or a member of the group of trainers for the training “Infection Control-IC” for doctors and nurses, as a lecturer within the project Global the AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Fund, BIH-S10-Go4-T, the strengthening of the DOTS strategy and the advancement of the national tuberculosis program, including multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and infection control in BiH (UNDP and PHI of the Federation of BiH). He was a reviewer of a large number of professional and scientific papers, monographs, textbooks, books and other types of publications. He is a member of the Society of Microbiologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as many other organizations, and during his working life has established cooperation with the Medical Colleges at home and abroad. Since 1980 Professor Zvizdic participated in several foreign and scientific congresses in the country and abroad (Croatia, Serbia, Switzerland, Argentina, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Montenegro, France and Bosnia and Herzegovina). He was a member of the editorial boards of the journals “Medical Archives”, “Acta Informatica Medica”, “Medical Archives” and “Health Med”. As a mentor, Professor Zvizdic participated in the preparation of 78 undergraduate theses, two (2) student congress papers, as well as in the preparation and completion of 12 master’s theses at the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Sarajevo. As a mentor, he participated in the development and defense of 5 doctoral theses at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo and Tuzla. He is a member of the Society of Doctors of the Canton of Sarajevo, as well as a member of the Society of Microbiologists of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina