Simic Ljubo

Simic Ljubo

Professor Ljubo Simic, MD, PhD, is a professor emeritus, retired, graduated at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. After graduation, he was employed as a physician at the Department of Dermatology and Venerology headed by Academician Ernest Grin. Since 1978 to 1992 he held the position of Director of the Institute for Vascular Diseases, University Clinical Center in Sarajevo. In his scholarly and professional work Ljubo Simic dealt with the diagnosis and treatment of syphilis and mycosis infections of the scalp, where he participated and directed the work of field teams. He was also involved in scientific work, and he showed special interest in the importance of implementation of prophylaxis in families with positive serological reactions to lues. He explored the importance of serological reactions carried out after therapy in patients with endemic syphilis. He was involved in clinical testing Griseofulvin in the treatment of fungal infections of the scalp, epidemiology and natural course of mycosis diseases, the incidence of these diseases in miners, athletes and people with peripheral arterial circulation disorder. By professional leadership in antimycotic and anti lues teams he made major contributions to combat disease and eradication of fungal disease and endemic syphilis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Another important field of its action was a disorder of peripheral circulation and resulting changes of the skin. He investigates the epidemiology of disorders of circulation in certain occupations (workers in the textile and metallurgical industries, textile workers, waiters, etc.), the effect of medication and scleroticcompression therapy in the prevention of ulceration of the lower extremities, particularly the role of insufficiency of Cockett’s perforators in the occurrence of ulcus eruris. He gave a significant contribution to improving the treatment of ulceral arterial and venous changes by genesis of hyperbaric oxygen. Explored the effects of oxygen on the prevention of bacterial and fungal infections. Also examined the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood of smokers and nonsmokers. Was the first to introduce the treatment of Buerger’s disease with hyperbaric oxygen and ozone therapy. He also dealt with ethiogenesis of thromboangiitis obliterans, particularly in terms of smoking and immunologic factors. He led the following scientific projects: „The application of ozone and plasmopheresis in therapy of M.Buerger“ (as the leader of this project with international participation from 1988 to 1992), then, „Multicentre Iloprost European study on Endoanginilis – Milestone“ (associate at the project from 1989 to 1990), and “Clinical Study PGE1-LIPO” (an international project in which he was an associate in the period from 1990 to 1992). The results of his professional and scientific work he published in more than 50 national and international scientific and professional journals and monographs. He was involved in the work at international and national scientific conferences. Elected to title of research associate and scientific adviser. Member of the Board of Cardiovascular Diseases and Department of Mycology of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of B&H. He is a regular member of the Croatian Society for Science and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Editor of the Health Encyclopedia of Croats in B&H. Currently he is Dean of the Health Faculty, University of Mostar.

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Mis Iribina 11, 71000 Sarajevo 
Bosnia and Herzegovina